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Wisconsin State Patrol Memorial

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The Wisconsin State Patrol and the Wisconsin Troopers Benevolent Foundation partnered in 2019 to raise money for an agency memorial to be constructed on the grounds of the Wisconsin State Patrol Academy located at Fort McCoy in Western Wisconsin.  The memorial honors the sacrifices of Trooper Don Pederson, Trooper Gary Powless, Trooper Debra McMenamin, Trooper William Schoenberger, Trooper Jorge Dimas, Trooper Trevor Casper, Trooper Anthony Borostowski, Trooper Daniel Stainbrook, and those that will selflessly and bravely give their lives in the future.


The fundraising effort was a Division-wide effort including current sworn and non-sworn staff of the Wisconsin State Patrol and retirees who sold calendars and gave cash donations towards effort.  On September 9, 2022, a dedication ceremony was held for the memorial (click here to view).





















The Wisconsin Troopers Benevolent Foundation would like recognize the hard work and support of the following individuals and families:


Eternal Flame (25+ Calendars or $400+)

Kyle Amlong,  Matthew Barlar, Stan & Cindy Borostowski, Todd Brehm,  Ryan & Melissa Chaffee,  David Collins,  Daniel & Nicole Diedrich,  Stephen & Elaine Diedrich,  Thomas Erdmann,  Brandon Ferrell,  Robert Hartson,  Daryl Hoffman,  Andrew & Tahnya Hyer,  Michael Jankowski,  Craig Kinderman, Hardees of Oshkosh, Luke Kraemer,  Jodi Kummet,  Timothy Larson,  Lance Loonsfoot,  David Meredith,  Mike Morin,  Dori Petznick,  Aaron Prohovnik,  Briant Russell,  Vern Stanfley,  Charles Teasdale,  Chad Thompson,  Carol Walsh,  Nicholas Wanink,  Steven Wojcik,  Keith & Michelle  Young,  Brian Zaemisch, Jason & Julie Zeeh. 


Bagpipe (15 Calendars or $200+)

Brendan Braun,  Teresa Burchard,  Mark Haessly,  Michael Knowlton,  David Marquardt,  Matthew Moore, Nathan Olson,  Clifford Parr,  Brian Rahn,  Ethan Rehberg,  Bruce Wozniak.


Red Rose (10 Calendars or $100+)

Mary Albedyll,  Brian Ausloos,  Todd Carl,  Kevin & Deborah Casper,  Brandon Gray,  Jeffrey Hill,  Lewis Judge, Gary Koski,  Kelly Lynch,  Bradley Ocain,  Joshua Pinkos,  Matthew Plendl,  Cory Pratt,  Steven Prouty,  Scott Reignier,  Jonathan Root,  Kory Schultz,  Christopher Splinter,  Denice Staff,  Dylan Strasburg,  Kristin Suthers,  Jayne Taylor.


White Glove (5 Calendars or <$100)

Richard Aguilar,  Jacob Anderson, Justin Arnold,  Jennifer Austin,  Katrice Babiasz,  Maxwell Bahling,  Jason Bakken,  Thomas Behm,  Gerald Bell,  Jean Bengston,  Debra Benjamin,  John Berg,  Tony Berg,  Derek Bergum,  Nicolas Betts,  Shelley Binder,  Deana Bjorge,  Robert Borek,  Kevin Borreson,  Brad Bray,  Daniel Breeser,  Jeremy Brunner,  Kristine Buccanero,  Sarah Burdick,  Christopher Caldwell,  Timothy Carnahan,  Vincent Caruso,  Philip Chiu,  Logan Christel,  Lauren Christian,  Carey Cisewski,  Nathan Clarke,  Lynn Coulson,  Gary Cowan,  Danny Daniels,  Eric Dante, Scott Darin,  Joseph Dashek,  Jason Dengel,  Joseph Desprez,  Steven Detienne,  Kyle DeVries,  Mary Dilling,  Kyle Dudek,  Jessica Duncan,  Jacob Edwards,  Erik Egstad,  James & Shirley Eis,  Colton Fields,  Rigel Findley,  Thomas Fleming,  David Fowles,  Lynn Fox,  Steven Frantal,  Jake Fricke,  Ashleigh Giese,  Barbara Girens,  Justin Glasener,  Raymond Goldberg,  Justin Goldnick,  Tony Green,  Donald Greenwood,  Shari Gress,  Aaron Gross,  Tracy Guetzlaff,  Dean Haigh,  Benjamin Hamilton,  Kent Hamoud,  Justin Hansen,  David Hanson,  Justin Hart,  David Harvey,  John Heffernan,  Joshua Helmer,  Nathan Henriksen,  Alana Hether,  Caleb Hohensee,  Philip Horman,  Matthew Houser,  Brandon Howell,  Andrew Jacobs,  April Jaeger,  Scott Jarvela,  Gregory Jenswold,  Dustin Johanning,  Jennifer Johanning,  Carrie Johnson,  Glen Jones,  John Jones,  Patricia Jorgenson,  Christopher Jushka,  Jamie Kahkola,  Jacqueline Kamin,  Ashley Kamps,  Richard Kastner,  Carl Kent II,  James Kicmol,  Kevin Kinderman,  Mark Kircher,  Michael Kline,  Cody Klockziem,  Timothy Knutson,  Robert Koenen,  Tyler Konecny,  Richard Krisher,  Heidi Kunz,  Jamie Labrec,  Megan LaFave,  Michael Larsen,  Craig Larson,  Travis Lauer,  Stephen LaVigne,  Jeff Liethen,  Al Llanas,  Adrian Logan,  Darrick Lorbecki,  Jillene Luedtke,  Anthony Martin,  Jordan Matuseski,  Joshua Maurer,  Anne Maxson,  Todd McAuliffe,  David McCarthy,  Erin McKay,  Pamela Meredith,  Marcus Meurer,  Glenn Miller,  William Miller,  Karl Mittelstadt,  Leslie Mlsna,  Jennifer Mobley,  David Modica,  Peter Moe,  Kristofer Mondloch,  Thomas Monroe,  Todd Monson,  Jene Moody,  Ashley Morales,  Craig Morehouse,  Lane Mueller,  Zachary Mulholland,  David Murphy,  James Murray,  Chokkalingam Muthumari,  George Negron,  Michael Nickel,  Matthew Noah,  Daniel Noble,  Donald Peterson,  Daren Plantz,  Aaron Poehlman,  Michael Poupart,  John Putnam,  Stacey Raskin,  Andrew Rau,  Joey Rebedew,  James Reese,  Richard Reichenberger,  Mark Resheske,  Christopher Reyna,  Kelly Rhodes,  George Riedel,  Randall Romanski,  Ryan Roth,  Carl Rowan,  Bruce Satterlee Jr.,  James Sawyer,  John Scherbert,  Paul Schilling,  Connie Schmidt,  Daniel Schmidt,  Derek Schuette,  Nathan Schwabenlander,  Cory Shilts,  Jeffry Skinner,  Daniel Slick,  Ryan Smith,  Jeffery Splinter,  Troy Stage,  Daniel Steele,  Robert Stein,  Rhae Stertz,  Bonnie Stewart,  Mathew Strickland,  Christopher Sukis,  Scott Thiede,  Ioan Trofin,  Luke Turner,  Dawn Umentum,  Shauna Unger,  Mary Ungerer,  Holly Urbain,  Edward Vacha,  Christopher VandenHoven,  Michael Vasquez,  Gregory Venne,  Allen Vick,  Paul Voigt,  Gerald Voss,  Rhonda Waldera,  Travis Wanless,  Timothy Weiberg,  Phil Wenzel,  Pat & Rich West,  John White,  Anthony Winscher,  Edward Witkiewicz,  John Wolfe,  Paul Wolfe,  Jody Wormet,  Bryan Wrycha,  Thomas Wrysinski,  Sou Xiong,  Joseph Youngblood,  Christopher Zawislan,  Ryan Zukowski,  Dean Joseph Collins.


Thank you to those that participated in the fundraising effort.  The sacrifices of our fallen troopers represent the ideals of the Wisconsin State Patrol.  Thank you!


WSP Memorial Committee:

  • Major Travis Wanless, HQ

  • Captain Robert Hartson, NCR

  • Trooper Jamie Kahkola, NER

  • Trooper Sou Xiong, NCR

  • Robert Stein, WSP Academy (Retired)

  • Phil Wenzel, Wisconsin State Patrol Alumni Association

  • Sergeant Ryan Zukowski, Wisconsin Troopers Benevolent Foundation

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© 2024 Wisconsin Troopers Benevolent Foundation

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